Dark PhysiCSS is the best CSS framework to take care of layout fundamentals so you can focus on custom styling.
Dark PhysiCSS is a library of formating classes that are configured to manage consistent spacing, responsive layout, text, and color styles. You start by modifying a configuration file of variables. Dark PhysiCSS framework doesn’t include multitudes of properties that you’ll find yourself overriding. It is architected to focus specifically on fundamental elements and structural properties, and not get in your way.
Key Characteristics
Divine Proportions
A unique feature to Dark PhysiCSS is its ability to size and space elements using ɸ(PHI) as a golden ratio. This allows for columns, padding, and margins, to all be defined as increments of the total width of a container using proportions similar to those we see reflected throughout nature.
A few sites that use Dark PhysiCSS*
*Sites may use previous syntax version OrAdd the below css code between the <head> </head> tags of your html to test drive it using the default configuration.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://theelixirhaus.com/dark-physicss/css/dpcss.css">
Modify the style variables in the configuration file to suite your brand, then include the Dark PhysiCSS files in your project, linking the dpscss.css file in your site's header.
You'll need to view it on a desktop size screen to see the responsive states in action.
About The Properties:
A range of properties are described in the syntax format for the classes detailed below. These properties are identified with brackets "[ ]". Below is a key listing the value options for each property.
Set column size to change at different screen widths by defining column width and screensize.
The below displays as specific columns only on small (Tablet portrait) sizes screens and up.
Use "dp-contain" and "dp-pos:cntr" to constrain the width of content to the site width and to position it center.
Alternatively you can position content to the left using "dp-pos:lt" or right using "dp-pos:rt".
Positioning content is also controllable by defining a screen size in the following format: dp-pos:[side]:[screen size*]